Affinity Federal Credit Union Annual Scholarship
Full-time MCC student who has completed at least 12 credits, has achieved a 2.75 GPA or better and is a resident of Middlesex County. Preference is given to a student who has overcome obstacles in order to attend MCC. An essay is required.
Maris and Mary Alexander Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Student with financial need who is a resident of Middlesex County and is majoring in Nursing.
Middlesex County College Alumni Scholarship
Full or part-time, second year student who is a dependent of an MCC alumnus.
MCC Alumni Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Preference given to high achieving students with a 3.0 GPA or higher, who perform community service.
Meher Nigar Anjum Annual Scholarship
Female student who is raising children while attending MCC full-time (according to program requirements) and who qualifies for federally funded financial aid.
Baker Family Annual Scholarship
Preference given to a female student who is raising her children as a single mother, who has financial need and is taking a minimum of six (6) credits at MCC.
Debbie and John Bakum Endowed Scholarship
Older MCC students who are overcoming major life challenges such as divorce, drug or alcohol rehabilitation, history of incarceration, death of a spouse, etc.
Dr. Bori Berkow Memorial Scholarship
Accounting or Business major.
Bernard Family Scholarship
Central Jersey Pop Warner participants (past players, cheerleaders, parent was a coach, etc.) from Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset or Union County. Preference given to out of county students who are incoming freshmen with greatest financial need.
Blaha Battaglia Family Scholarship
Preference given to a student who has demonstrated academic merit and who has financial need.
Lieutenant Colonel Willard Blohm, US Army and Lieutenant Arch Updike, US Navy Scholarship
High achieving students, with a 3.8 GPA or better, who are preferably in a Transfer Program who have completed 12 or more college level courses in Science, Math or Health Technologies.
Suseela D. Botlagudur, M.D. Endowed Scholarship
Student enrolled in a Health Technologies major with preference given to a female, minority student who has financial need.
Mary Braun Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Full-time students who are the first generation in their family to attempt a higher education and who have attained a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Brian Breen Memorial Scholarship
Full-time or part-time students who plan to join the teaching profession. Preference will be given to students studying to become a History teacher.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Biotechnology Scholarship
Full-time student majoring in Biotechnology with a 3.0 GPA or higher. Student may have financial need but is ineligible for financial aid.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, Unity Square Scholarship
Latino college bound high school students who reside in Unity Square, who have successfully completed the EMPOWER program offered by Middlesex County College, New Brunswick Center. Students must perform 25 hours of community service.
Margaret Chang Scholarship
Graduates - from any year - of New Brunswick High School.
Robert J. and Elaine L. Ciatto Endowed Scholarship
Full or part-time Business student who was raised by a single parent, with financial need who has completed 12 or more credits and has a 2.5 GPA or better.
Larry L. Cohen Annual Scholarship
Minority student with financial need and a 3.0 GPA or better in Humanities or Social Science curriculum.
College Center Planning Board Scholarship
Gale Cooperstein Annual Scholarship
Dental Hygiene student who has returned to school after a five-year lapse in formal education and who has financial need.
Costa Chica Mexican Restaurant EMPOWER Program Scholarship
Latino college bound high school students who have successfully completed the EMPOWER program offered by Middlesex County College, New Brunswick Center.
Freeholder Director David B. Crabiel Memorial Scholarship
Full-time (at least 12 credits per semester) MCC students who demonstrate academic achievement with a minimum 3.0 grade point average, demonstrate leadership qualities through involvement in civic/community activities, who are majoring in liberal arts with a focus on political science or a related discipline and who plan to continue their education at a four year institution.
Csizmarik Family Endowed Scholarship
Accounting or Business majors with financial need.
Jamie Daley Memorial Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Active members of MCC's Phi Theta Kappa with a 3.5 GPA or better. A faculty letter of recommendation is required.
Steven Dalina Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Rose Channing Danzis Scholarship
Health Technologies students with financial need.
Dr. Sidney Danzis Memorial Scholarship
Health Technologies students with demonstrated academic merit and a 3.0 GPA or better.
Delta Dental Annual Award
First year student in the MCC Dental program, with financial need. A letter of recommendation and essay required.
Joseph and Dorothy Doll Annual Scholarship
MCC nursing students with a 2.5 GPA or better and who have financial need.
Dr. Margarete K. M. Driver Modern Languages Scholarship
Student majoring in Modern Languages. Essay required.
Edison Chamber of Commerce/Annamae Baerenbach Business Scholarship
Student who has completed 12 credits with a 3.0 GPA; preference given to a graduate of an Edison high school and/or who lives or works in Edison for four years; studying Business, Computer Science or Engineering Technologies.
Empower High School Mentoring Program
A scholarship will be offered to New Brunswick High School students who participated in the EMPOWER program during their senior year. (EMPOWER members will be judged on attendance, punctuality to classes, volunteerism and verification of financial need).
Rosemary Esteves Memorial Scholarship
Current service members or military veterans who are MCC students with a 2.0 GPA or better or are entering MCC full-time passing all MCC's placement test requirements. Special consideration to service members or veterans in good academic standing who have not received monetary education benefits related to their service or in receipt of an educational benefit related to their service that is not sufficient to cover the entire cost of tuition and fees.
Excellence Endowed Scholarship for Part-Time Students
Current part-time student with a 3.5 or higher GPA, who has completed 15 non-remedial credits at MCC with outstanding academic achievement. Scholarship is renewable second year if student maintains a 3.5 GPA.
Foreign Language Scholarship
Full-time or part-time students taking intermediate or advanced levels of French, Italian, Spanish or German. Applicants are required to take the Modern Language Placement Test and provide its score.
Murray Geltzer Scholarship
Entering full-time student who has worked while in high school and maintained a B average.
Anjali Ghosh Memorial Scholarship
Full or part-time MCC students majoring in Natural Sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) with a 3.5 GPA or better.
GMB North America, Inc. Annual Scholarship
Preference given to students pursuing a degree in Engineering with a GPA of 3.0 or better.
Dorothy I. Good Endowed Scholarship
Medical Technology student with financial need and a 3.0 GPA or better.
Arthur Goodman ’68 and Alison Arnold Goodman ’68 Endowed Scholarship
Students enrolled in Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Dietetics and/or Business, Marketing or Paralegal Studies. Preference given to students active in theater or drama at MCC or in the broader community.
John J. Gutowski, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Preference given to a Criminal Justice major with financial need. Essay required.
Habib American Bank Endowed Scholarship
Students of Asian Indian descent with a 3.0 GPA or better who have completed at least one semester at MCC with 12 credits, majoring in Business.
Hispanic-American Club Award
Full-time student residing in Middlesex County who is active in the Hispanic-American Club. Student is ineligible for Financial Aid, but has demonstrated financial need.
Professor Jeffrey Hochbaum Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Full-time, second year Health Technologies student with a 3.5 GPA or better in Science courses and a 3.0 or better overall GPA. Two letters of recommendation from Health Technologies professors and essay required.
Congressman Rush Holt /Dr. Margaret Lancefield Annual Scholarship
Part-time student who is working and has family obligations, and who resides in New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District.
Timothy and Theresa Holt Scholarship
African American students who have completed at least 30 credits toward an associate degree, pursuing a degree in History and Social Sciences with a 3.25 GPA or higher.
J&J Health Technologies Scholarship
Students pursuing careers in Nursing or Dental Hygiene. Preference given to students with financial need.
JFK Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship
Full-time Health Technologies students from Metuchen, Edison or Woodbridge.
Ernest A. Johnson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Student pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, who has demonstrated academic merit with a 3.5 GPA or better, financial need and who is involved in community service.
Karma Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Female student who is older than traditional college age, who is not coming straight from High School and has financial need.
Jerome F. Katcher, CPA and Estelle Katcher Business Achievement Award
Second year Business major with outstanding academic achievement of 3.5 GPA or better.
Joseph Klegman Memorial Scholarship
A full-time, second year student majoring in Business Administration or Management.
Sam Landis Endowed Scholarship
Full-time second year student in each college division with 3.5 GPA or better.
L’Hommedieu Family Scholars Program
Students pursuing careers in Health Technologies.
David J. Lynch AXA Annual Scholarship
Middlesex County College students who are pursuing a degree in Business, have achieved a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or better and who have financial need.
Colleen and Michael A. Maroney, Jr. Annual Scholarship
MCC Retail Services Corporation/Blue Colt Bookstore Annual Scholarship
Students who have completed 12 credits with a grade point average of 2.5 or better and have demonstrated financial need will be given preference.
Thomas J. McCoy Scholarship
Outstanding students in Legal Studies and Accounting.
Menlo Engineering Scholarship
Student with demonstrated financial need and academic merit of 3.0 GPA or better, who is pursuing a degree within the Engineering Technologies program.
Metuchen Savings Bank/Annamae Baerenbach Memorial Scholarship
Second year student pursuing a degree in Business, Nursing or Teaching, who is a child of a single parent who lives in Metuchen or Edison, a U.S. Citizen and has low to moderate income.
Middlesex County Association of Realtors Scholarship
Student with a documented disability and demonstrated financial need.
Middlesex County College Foundation (MCCF) Award
Candidates must demonstrate financial need and are making satisfactory academic progress with a 2.5 GPA or better.
Middlesex County Federation of Democratic Women Annual Scholarship
Full-time female student majoring in Political Science or related discipline.
Middlesex County Fraternal Order of Police Scholarship
Student enrolled in the second year Criminal Justice Program with Police Option. Student must have completed 25 credits with a GPA of 3.0 or better and be involved in community service.
Jimi Mikusi, Jr. & Fellow Innovators Fund
Full-time MCC Students majoring in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics or Chemistry.
Alfred Miller - New Jersey Transportation (NTR) Scholarship
Preference given to a second year student in Transportation, Materials Handling, Warehouse or Distribution. If there are no students who meet this academic criteria, this scholarship may be awarded to a second year student with a 3.0 GPA or better.
Anna Morgan Memorial Scholarship
Nursing major from South Amboy.
John P. Mulkerin Endowed Scholarship
Accounting or Business majors who intend to earn the professional qualification of Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Robert Sydney Needham Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship awarded to one deserving student who has great financial need, who is a graduate of a New Jersey High School, who is a full-time (at least 12 hours per semester) second year student (at least 24 cumulative hours completed), who has a 3.0 or higher GPA and who is actively involved in community service or campus leadership.
New Brunswick Housing Authority Endowed Scholarship
Students who reside in New Brunswick public housing and/or receive a housing subsidy from New Brunswick Housing Authority. Applicant must be enrolled in at least two courses at Middlesex County College.
New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners Scholarship
Second year female student who has returned to school after a lapse in formal education with 3.0 GPA or better. Middlesex County resident enrolled in one of the following divisions: Business, Engineering, Health Technologies or Social Science and Humanities.
Northfield Bank Foundation Annual Scholarship
Preference given to students who have financial need but may be ineligible for federal financial aid (essay required). Students must live in East Brunswick, Milltown, Avenel, Monroe, Woodbridge, Linden or Rahway, NJ where Northfield Bank has locations.
Old Bridge/Sayreville Rotary Endowed Scholarship
Old Bridge or Sayreville residents who are recent high school graduates. Preference given to Rotary Interact and Rotary members, students with financial need, and those who participate in community service.
Harry Payne Memorial Scholarship
Hispanic or African-American students who have overcome obstacles.
Nancy Yusko Peters Endowed Scholarship
A full or part-time student who has overcome obstacles to attend MCC.
Presidential Scholars Program
A merit-based scholarship program established by Middlesex County College Foundation with support from the Willard T. C. Johnson Foundation.
The Provident Bank Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Business or Accounting student with 3.0 GPA or better. Preference given to Middlesex County College Educational Opportunity Fund students.
Prudential Endowed Scholarship
Full-time minority students with 3.0 GPA in Accounting or Computer Science majors.
J. Craig Putnal Memorial Masonic Annual Scholarship
Full-time MCC student who has entered directly from high school and who qualifies for financial aid.
Ron Romano Academic Achievement Award
High achieving students, with a 3.8 GPA or better, who are preferably in a Transfer Program who have completed 12 or more college level courses in Science, Math or Health Technologies.
Joaquin Rosa, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Latino student who resides in Perth Amboy or New Brunswick with 24 credits, documented history of community service and who has financial need but may be ineligible for financial aid.
Steven B. Rosengarten Memorial Scholarship for Graduating MCC Senior
Graduating senior with a 3.5 GPA, planning to major in Psychology or Education at a four-year institution. Essay required.
Steven B. Rosengarten Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Current MCC Students
Second year student who volunteers, and has completed one Psychology class with a grade of B.
Carlos Sanchez Young Entrepreneur Scholarship
Former or current EMPOWER program student or volunteer who conceives and produces a business plan to be formally presented to the Central Jersey Latino Chamber of Commerce during summer 2015.
Gattupalli Sarojini and Kondapi Radhamma Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Female student pursuing a career in the medical field.
Goldelie and Stanley Schneider Endowed Scholarship
Female student who is a custodial parent, 25 years or older, returning after a lapse in formal education.
Frank E. Schultz Scholarship
Student with 3.0 GPA or better with plans to continue education in Graphic Design after MCC.
Zoraida Calvo Scott Endowed Scholarship
Full-time student residing in Middlesex County who is active in the Hispanic-American Club. Student is ineligible for Financial Aid, but has demonstrated financial need.
Shailesh and Dr. Bharti Shah Endowed Scholarship
High achieving student of Indian origin (student and/or parent born in India) who is a full-time second year student with at least 12 credits. Student selection based on financial need, academic merit, and involvement in the community.
Carol A. Siperstein Memorial Scholarship
Student with 3.0 GPA or better. Applicant should reflect some or all of the following: an interest in teaching, appreciation for fine and performing arts. Preference will be given for persons who are gay, lesbian and/or transgendered.
Morris and Mildred Siperstein Memorial Scholarship
Student with financial need in Health Technologies courses with a 3.0 GPA or better.
Ian Smith Memorial Scholarship
Graduating senior with a 3.8 GPA, transferring to a four-year institution. One faculty recommendation and an essay are required.
Southpole Foundation Annual Scholarship
Full-time student with financial need and a 3.0 GPA or better.
Dr. Francis A. Spano Annual Scholarship
Full-time MCC student majoring in Natural Sciences, who is enrolled in the Honors Program.
Frank R. Steele/H.O.N.O.R. Endowed Scholarship
High achieving African American students with financial need, enrolled in Science, Engineering or Business courses with 3.0 GPA or better.
Anne Stevens Memorial Scholarship
Preference will be given to a full-time Nursing student who is raising a family while attending MCC.
Joan D. Sulva Endowed Scholarship
Students with documented disability, taking 12 non-remedial credits with a 2.5 GPA. Must be enrolled in Project Connections program and/or registered with MCC's Disabilities Services Office.
Walter and Louise Sutcliffe Foundation Scholarship
Students pursuing careers in Nursing with preference given to students with financial need.
The Switzer Foundation Annual Scholarship
Female nursing students with at least a 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need.
Marion and Norman Tanzman Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Students who have completed at least 12 credits and have submitted a FAFSA form.
Telcordia Pioneers, Chapter 99 Scholarship
Full-time student with economic need, majoring in Telecommunications Network Technology or related Computer majors, with significant community service participation.
Mary E. Trickel Endowed Scholarship
Full or part-time custodial parent returning after a five-year lapse in formal education and who is not covered by tuition reimbursement. 12 credits, remedial or college level with a 2.0 GPA or better. Essay required.
Professor Robert Urbanski Annual Scholarship
Full-time MCC student majoring in Mathematics who is enrolled in the Honors Program.
Frank D. Visceglia Endowed Scholarship
Student with financial need pursuing a career in Health Technologies.
Wells Fargo Foundation Annual Scholarship
Full-time, second year students majoring in Business with financial need and a 3.0 GPA or better.
Betty Whalen, MPA Health Technologies Scholarship
Hispanic female student with unmet financial need who may be ineligible for Financial Aid and who is enrolled in a Health Technologies major.
Barbara A. and Samuel E. Wike Endowed Scholarship
Custodial parent returning to school after a five-year lapse in formal education. Essay required.
Dr. Diane Z. Wilhelm Memorial Scholarship
Full-time, second year student majoring in Sociology, Criminal Justice, Social & Rehabilitation Services, Political Science, History, Social Science, Psychology, Education or Education Practitioner who is now taking or has taken Liberal Arts - Sociology 123 with a 3.5 GPA or better.
Master Sergeant Franklin T. Wilson Memorial Annual Veteran's Scholarship
Annual Award for Military Veterans who are residents of Middlesex County and who are current MCC students with a GPA of 2.5 or better or an entering full-time student who has satisfactorily passed all requirements of MCC's placement tests. Special consideration will be given to Veteran's in good academic standing who have overcome obstacles; e.g. addiction, homelessness, traumatic wartime or peacetime injury or physical or mental disability, etc.
Women's Rehabilitation Group of New Jersey Scholarship
Female student of Asian Indian origin who has financial need and a GPA of 3.0 or better.
Shirley Zall Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Student who is a single mother raising children while attending MCC, full-time. She qualifies for financial aid by federal guidelines or may have demonstrated financial need but does not qualify for financial aid.
Eligibility Highlights
Computer Science/EMC/Paradigm Publishing Award
Departmental award for Computer Science and Information Technology students.
Ann Dobshinsky Memorial Award
Departmental award for Math students.
Excellence in Technology Award
Award is presented to a graduating Electrical Computer Engineering Technology or Mechanical Engineering Technology student who has demonstrated professionalism and commitment to the field of Engineering.
ESL - Dr. Eileen Hansen Award for Academic Excellence
Departmental award for ESL/Languages and Cultures students.
J&J Excellence in Chair Side Education Award
Departmental award for Dental Hygiene students
Languages & Culture Award
Departmental award for ESL/Languages and Cultures students
Damien Nuccio Award
Departmental award to a Nursing student.
Psi Beta/PIE Clubs Annual Award
“Student Success” Research Poster Contest
Students enrolled in fall semester Student Success (SSD 101) Course.