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Federal Grants

Federal Grants

Pell Grant Program

The Federal Pell Grant Program is the foundation of the federal government’s financial aid programs. The Central Processing Center evaluates and determines Pell Grant eligibility from the adjusted gross income, taxes paid, assets, the number of family members in college and other factors help to determine the student’s expected family contribution (EFC). 

  • Awards range from $588 to $5,820.
  • The student is notified via a Student Aid Report (SAR).

Effective July 1, 2012, the duration of eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant is 12 full-time semesters. Students who are less than full-time (12 credits), will receive a prorated Pell award for each semester.

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Federal SEOG funds are reserved for undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need, as determined by the college. Priority for these awards is given to the Pell grant recipients taking 6 or more credits.

  • Awards range from $250 to $1,000.
  • The College determines eligibility based on federal guidelines.
  • The student is notified via an award notice from the Financial Aid Office.
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