The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs approves degree and certificate programs for veteran’s education entitlements. Those applicants wishing to obtain governmental educational entitlements through the Department of Veterans Affairs or any additional information about such programs should contact the Center for Veterans Services.
Individuals have a limited timeframe from their date of separation to use their educational entitlement. Please refer to the specific guidelines of the chapter you are entitled to use for more information.
Veterans who began active duty between January 1977 and June 1985, may be eligible for veterans’ entitlements if they contributed to the Veterans Education Assistance Program (Chapter 32).
Veterans who began active duty after June 30, 1985 may be eligible for veterans’ entitlements if they participated in the Montgomery G.I. Bill – Active Duty (Chapter 30)
Veterans who are members of the Reserve Component or National Guard may be eligible for veterans’ entitlements under the Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606).
Veterans who served on active duty on or after September 11, 2001 may be eligible for entitlements under the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33).
Reservists and National Guard members who were activated for at least 90 days after September 11, 2001 may be eligible for entitlements under the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 1607).
National Guard members who are in good standing with their unit, and who have applied for federal financial aid, may be eligible to utilize NJDMAVA Form 621-2-R (Commander’s Certificate) to waive their tuition cost for up to 15 credits each semester.
Reservists who wish to use a Department of Defense sponsored Tuition Assistance program must meet the applicable requirements emplaced by their respective branch of service. Reservists must initiate their program with their unit administrator and provide proper documentation to the Office of Student Account Services in order to properly execute their program requirements each semester.
Dependents of certain veterans are eligible for entitlements under multiple Department of Veterans Affairs educational chapters, including the Dependents Education Assistance Program (Chapter 35) and the Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33). Dependents who believe they are eligible for entitlements should contact the Center for Veterans Services for more information about these programs.
Veterans who have been determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs to have a service-connected disability may be eligible for education and other entitlements through the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Services (Chapter 31) division. Middlesex County College participates in the VetSuccess on Campus program and staffs a Vocational, Rehabilitation, and Employment Counselor from the Department of Veterans Affairs on the Edison campus. Veterans who believe they are eligible should contact the Center for Veterans Services for more information or to speak with the VSOC Counselor.
The Department of Veterans Affairs, the State of New Jersey and the Department of Defense initiate and terminate educational and vocational assistance programs often. Veterans, Servicemembers or eligible dependents who believe they are eligible for a Veterans Affairs, State or Department of Defense sponsored program that is not included here should contact the Center for Veterans Services or the funding source of the program to inquire about eligibility.
Under most circumstances, military-affiliated education entitlement recipients must apply for admission to a degree or certificate program. For more information, contact the Center for Veterans Services.
To maintain receipt of entitlements at the College, military-affiliated students must comply with the Standards of Progress established by the College. These Standards include degree requirements, standards and regulations, and compliance with the College’s Code of Student Conduct. Failure to observe these regulations will jeopardize the receipt of entitlements. Additional information may be found in the Middlesex County College Pathfinder and on schedule bulletins.
The Center for Veterans Services certifies the enrollment status of all students who apply for Department of Veterans Affairs and State-sponsored education entitlements at the College. The Office of Student Account Services certifies the financial account status of all students who apply for Department of Defense-sponsored Tuition Assistance programs at the College. Middlesex County College is included in the Education Directory, Part 3: Higher Education.
Contact Information
Web page: http://www2.middlesexcc.edu/wp/veterans/
Middlesex County College Center for Veterans Services
Location: Edison Hall, Room 104
Office Phone: 732.906.7770
Alternate Phone: 732.548.6000, extension 3370
Email: vets@middlesexcc.edu
Fax: 732.906.4655