Expected standards of behavior have been established to provide for the maximum safety and well-being of the College community and to ensure an optimum learning environment at Middlesex County College. These standards are referred to below. The Code of Student Conduct and related policies and procedures are also outlined in the MCC Pathfinder, the student handbook for the College. Enrollment in the College confirms students’ acceptance of exemplary standards of behavior and unqualified commitment to academic integrity.
Students who violate these procedures may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
Inherent in the mission of Middlesex County College is to provide the College community, including faculty, staff, students and other authorized users, access to the computing resources needed to support academic and instructional activities required for effective learning. Access to these resources assumes they will be used in a professional, ethical and legal manner and that the user is obliged to abide by the computer use rules and regulations, which are outlined in the MCC Pathfinder.
The College will make every effort to ensure the integrity of the computer resources and the information stored on them. However, Middlesex County College is not responsible for the loss of information from computing misuses, malfunction of computing and networking hardware, malfunction of computing and networking software or external contamination of data or programs.
Students are expected to exercise good judgment with respect to attire worn in the classroom and on the campus. For reasons of safety, footwear is required.
Students obtain a photo identification card from the Office of Student Activities after they register for the first time and must have ID validated every semester they are enrolled at Middlesex County College. Students can use the card for library privileges, computer lab facilities, fitness center, processing transactions in the Office of the Registrar and for admission to all athletic events, social activities, and other College functions. Therefore, students must carry their identification card with them whenever they are on campus. Before a student will be issued an ID card or validation sticker to update their existing ID, they will be asked to provide proof of current registration and identification. Students who need to replace the card will be charged a replacement fee.
Animals are not permitted in College buildings. Exceptions will be made for those animals assisting disabled individuals, comfort animals, those related to a classroom requirement, and all campus residences.
Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from the campus. Public transportation is available. Copies of bus schedules are available online at NJ Transit.
The College is designed as a compact walk-on campus with perimeter parking. Students may park in any white-lined space. Students with State handicapped plates or placards will be allowed to park in the designated parking areas/spaces for persons with disabilities. The placards must be displayed so they are readily visible.
The College Police are authorized to enforce all regulations regarding parking and traffic and to issue citations for violations.
The College does not maintain dormitories. Students who live away from home while enrolled at Middlesex are responsible for arranging their own living accommodations.