Middlesex has several honor societies for students who excel in the classroom.
Phi Theta Kappa, the national honor society that recognizes the academic achievements of community college students, provides leadership training and a free exchange of ideas in an intellectually stimulating atmosphere. Students will be invited to join if they earn a 3.5 semester and overall GPA based on a minimum of 12 credits, pledge an interest in developing leadership skills, and are willing to perform community service. Phi Theta Kappa students may be eligible to apply for over $37 million in scholarships reserved by four-year colleges nationwide. For more information, call 732.906.2590.
Alpha Mu Gamma, the national collegiate foreign language honor society, recognizes and encourages the study of cultures through foreign languages. In order to be a member, students have to have two classes of foreign language completed at the intermediate level or higher, with grades of A- or A and have an overall GPA of at least 3.0.
Psi Beta, the national psychology honor society for community colleges, recognizes and encourages scholarship and stimulates interest in psychology. Students are eligible for membership if they have completed at least one psychology course with a grade of “B” or better and have an overall GPA of at least 3.25.
Lambda Epsilon Chi is the honor society for the Paralegal program and recognizes excellence in that field.