Middlesex County College and Rutgers University have an agreement permitting students at Middlesex to cross-enroll in the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps Program at Rutgers and the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps Program without a military commitment. Scholarships of various award levels and lengths are available. Additionally, New Jersey Army National Guard and New Jersey Air National Guard members can attend college under the NJNG tuition waiver program. The Army ROTC program and the Air Force ROTC Program provide students the opportunity to study and train for careers in the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army Reserve, U.S. Air Force Reserve, NJ Army National Guard, and the NJ Air National Guard. Students who successfully complete the program are commissioned as second lieutenants, and, depending on their career choices, can serve full-time on active duty, or part-time, one weekend a month. For more information, please contact the appropriate office.
Contact Information
Rutgers University Army ROTC Scarlet Knight Battalion
Web page: http://www.armyrotc.rutgers.edu/
Location: 157 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Office Phone: 1-848-932-3217
Email: james.robertson@rutgers.edu
Air Force
Air Force ROTC Detachment 485
Web page: http://afrotc.rutgers.edu/
Location: 190 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Office Phone: 1-848-932-7706
E-mail: rotc485@rci.rutgers.edu
Fax: 1-732-932-7202