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Withdrawal from the College

Withdrawal from the College

It is recommended that full-time students who need to withdraw from all courses go to the Department of Counseling and Career Services in Edison Hall, Room 100, to complete a withdrawal form and confer with one of the counselors. All degree and certificate students who withdraw completely and who intend to return to the College are advised to apply for a leave of absence. For more information, please see the catalog section on Leave of Absence Policy and Readmission.

Grades will be assigned in accordance with semester course withdrawal policies. A student may appeal to the dean of his or her academic division should withdrawal be necessitated for reasons of health or circumstances beyond the student’s control.

International Students who are on F-1 visa/status must meet with an international student counselor before they can withdraw from the College.

Financial Aid students who withdraw from all of their courses prior to the end of the enrollment period will have their aid awards adjusted according to the Financial Aid Refund Policy as outlined in the Expenses, Financial Aid and Scholarships section of the MCC Catalog.

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions