Campus Computing

Campus Computing

Bring Your Own Computing Device

Paul Smith’s College requires that all incoming students bring a mobile computing device that meets the minimum specifications described on the Information Technology website. When purchasing a computer, students will be faced with an overwhelming number of choices and features.  Linked below are minimum specifications for computers based on major. Graduate students should follow the stated device standards for Ecological Restoration, Environmental Science, Forestry, Fisheries/Wildlife Sciences, Biology, Natural Resources Conservation Management and Sustainability Majors. No matter which computer you bring to school, it should be newer than 3 years old and we strongly recommend purchasing a warranty which includes coverage for accidental damage.

Campus Computing Policy and Code of Ethics

Graduate students are required to abide by the Paul Smith’s College student code of conduct. In particular, PSC prohibits misuse of computers, sending or forwarding offensive materials, and academic infractions, etc. Please see the Community Guide for conduct guidelines. 

Campus Acceptable Use Policy

Students must review and initial the Paul Smith’s College Acceptable Use Policy, which covers all pertinent dimensions of digital interaction and information use applicable to graduate programming. The full policy is located in the appendix of this document.

MS Office Suite Use

Paul Smith’s College Master’s Program requires students to use MS Office, which is included in your tuition. The product and download procedures are described at the following link: 

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions