
A student in good academic standing may, if space is available and they have the approval of their academic advisor and the course instructor, audit one course per semester. The student will receive no grade or credit for an audited course. Course(s) that a student has audited may not later be challenged for credit. When auditing a course, the student has the option of completing course assignments.

An audited course will appear on the student’s transcript, with an audit (AU) notation. Attendance will be recorded by the instructor of the course. If a student has more than 5 recorded absences, no record of the course will appear on the transcript. Audited courses may not in any way apply to graduation requirements or to the student’s GPA.

With approval of the academic advisor or designee, and the instructor of the course, a student may change his classification from “audit” to “for credit” on or before the second Friday of the semester. Upon reclassification to “for credit” the student will be billed regular tuition costs for the course.

  1. Students enrolled at Paul Smith’s College as full-time students may audit one course per semester, on a space available basis. If the audited course does not place their total load over 18 credit hours, there is no charge. If the audited course is an overload, the student must have a 2.50 cumulative GPA, approval of the Department Chair must be obtained and the charge is $100 per credit hour plus appropriate fees for supplies. See Overloads in Academic Policies and Procedures.
  2. Students enrolled at Paul Smith’s College who are not full-time may audit one course per semester, on a space available basis. The charge is $150 per credit hour, plus appropriate fees for supplies.
  3. Individuals, other than full-time Paul Smith’s College students, who are auditing a course must prove high school graduation and have Department Chair’s approval.
Degrees & Certificates
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