From its central location on campus, the Joan Weill Adirondack Library has excellent views of Lower St. Regis Lake and St. Regis Mountain beyond. This campus centerpiece incorporates elements of traditional Adirondack Architecture, including large windows, outdoor terrace, and extensive stone work and use of wood both inside and out within a modern high technology library. Opened in 2002, the library seats 440 students, has over 110 computer work stations, wireless network and internet access throughout the building, 8 group study rooms, 4 classrooms and over 600 data ports. The library is open seven days a week during the school year. The leather chairs, custom made furniture and cherry woodwork, cut from the College's own GreenCertified Forest, help provide a homey and comfortable atmosphere for academic work or leisure
The book collections support the college programs and there are extensive periodical holdings in both on-line and hard copyformats available for student research. All of the research tools in the library are available to students from all of the residencehalls, as well as from off campus through the college network.
The library houses the Center for Accommodative Services, TRiO Student Support Services, the Writing Center and the Academic
Success Center (ASC). In the ASC, students can get free peer tutoring, attend supplemental instruction and study groups. TheHutchins 24-hour study room and cafe provides a quiet place to work and use computers at any time of the day or night.