Mercyhurst Student Government
Through its elected and appointed officers and senators, Mercyhurst Student Government (MSG) is the voice of all students at Mercyhurst University. It is a multifunctional organization which serves the Mercyhurst University and the City of Erie communities. MSG acts as a liaison between students and the administration. MSG, in conjunction with the Campus Involvement Center, officially recognizes student clubs and organizations. All students are invited to become involved with MSG at any level by contacting an officer, senator or simply by attending an MSG meeting on Monday evenings at 8:00 p.m. All MSG meetings are open to the entire Mercyhurst Community.
Activities Council
The Multicultural and Student Activities Council (MAC/SAC) is the primary student programming organization on campus whose function is to provide activities that will enrich the University community both socially and culturally. The council is composed of an eight-member programming board, two executive board co-chairs and an open general membership.
All students are encouraged to participate in the council by planning events as well as by participating in activities, which are generally held on Friday and Saturday evenings throughout the academic year. Some of the councils’ many activities have included tournaments, dance parties, movies, coffee houses, comedians, bands, hypnotists, and spirited competitions for athletic events.
Special events such as formals and fests are also held throughout the year, in conjunction with MSG. All events can be found on Laker Launchpad, which is available on the main Student Hub page and includes club meetings, important academic reminders, as well as offerings by a variety of offices on campus. Students can also check out the Weekender Hub page, which features digital fliers. To become involved, students should stop by the MAC/SAC office, located on the lower level of the Student Union or the Campus Involvement Center, located on the 2nd floor of the Student Union