Learning Support Services at Mercyhurst University is dedicated to removing barriers and providing academic accommodations for students with disabilities. Mercyhurst University is committed to complying with its obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Fair Housing Act to ensure that a person with a disability is granted reasonable accommodations, when such accommodations are necessary, to afford that person equal opportunity to obtain a Mercyhurst education and use university facilities. Our goal is to empower students to become self-advocates, address their learning needs, and achieve academic success while maintaining integrity and rigor. If you have a disability or need academic accommodations, please contact Learning Support Services. It is the student’s responsibility to disclose their disability to Learning Support Services in order to request accommodation(s). For Mercyhurst University’s full accommodations policy as well as more information about the accommodations application process, visit: mercyhurst.edu/student-consumer-information.
Additionally, we offer a program called Pathways to Academic Success for Students (PASS), a three-week pre-college program aimed at strengthening academic skills and boosting confidence in college-level courses. Students live on campus and enroll in a three-credit college course. For more information about the PASS program, please contact Learning Support Services or visit: mercyhurst.edu/academics/academic-support/pass.