Students admitted to Mercyhurst University are expected to have requisite competence in reading, writing, and mathematics. Entering students will work with their advisors to select courses that are appropriate to the student’s educational background and course of study. Should a student be found lacking in skills to complete university courses successfully, developmental courses are available. These offerings include MATH 099 (Basic Mathematics) and/or MATH 102 (Elementary Algebra), as well as ENG 098 (Basic Writing).
Note: These basic courses (ENG 098 and Math 099) carry three elective credits; however, the credits do not count toward graduation and are subject to regular tuition.
Students transferring to Mercyhurst will not be held responsible for the Basic Competency Requirement if they have successfully completed a course equivalent to University Composition and/or Basic Mathematics and/or Elementary Algebra with a 2.0 minimum grade. However, all REACH liberal arts requirements must still be met.