Mercyhurst University offers a robust and varied program of global study, including both short and longer-term options throughout the country and the world. Students in any major program are able to participate in the global study programs – these experiences are sure to enhance any major program and provide the student with a distinct advantage during their career search.
Mercyhurst in Ireland & Mercyhurst in Italy
Mercyhurst in Ireland is our signature longer-term study abroad program, where students spend a term in Dungarvan, Ireland. Dungarvan is a picturesque harbor town on the Irish Sea, with rich culture and a community that welcomes students each year. Members of the Mercyhurst faculty travel with students to Dungarvan and offer a range of courses that fulfill major, REACH, and general education course requirements. During the time abroad, the group travels together including weekend trips to Dublin and a week to the west coast.
Starting in Fall 2024, students can choose a similar experience at our newest location in Torino, Italy. Located in the Alpine north, Torino provides a bustling metropolis for students to learn and explore, with day trips to Milan and elsewhere, as well as a multiday food and wine tour.
Faculty Student Academic Travel (FSAT)
Mercyhurst regularly offers students the opportunity to participate in faculty-led global study excursions that allow students and their instructors to study and learn together about the richness of our global community. Students may enroll in one or more university courses that combine classroom content and travel to destination both in the country and internationally. Courses in this program, known as FSAT, are offered each year and are typically announced and open for enrollment in the spring of the academic year prior to course offerings and travel. Students must successfully complete both the coursework and the travel in order to receive credit for an FSAT course. Grades for the courses are assigned after the successful completion of both the in-classroom content and the travel.
Independent Study Abroad
Students seeking to study abroad for a semester or more as an independent student must do so through one of the university’s affiliated providers (i.e., CEA, AIFS, Athena, or Semester at Sea). Students should be in consultations with the Office for Global Programs at least two semesters prior to the proposed study abroad. Students must complete all university application processes in order to gain approval to undertake independent study abroad.
Students must receive preliminary approval to study abroad from Mercyhurst University before applying to an affiliate provider for program participation. Students who apply for and/or submit fees to a provider without first having obtained university approval to study abroad risk not getting that approval and the possible loss of monies paid and/or denial of credit transfer. The university will not accept transferred credits if the student has not secured appropriate permissions and/or approvals in advance of a study broad experience.
Participation Requirements
Students who wish to participate in global study must contact the Office for Global Programs and are encouraged to do so as early as possible in their academic careers. For longer-term study abroad, students are encouraged to work with the office a year in advance.
In general, participation in Global Programs is available for students who have a minimum GPA of 2.75 and who have completed at least 2 semesters of university course work. Permission to study abroad must be obtained from the dean of global programs prior to enrollment in any study abroad program. To receive approval to participate, a student must complete all required university application processes. In the case of travel with international partners, credits from study abroad completed outside of the university’s established approval processes or with unaffiliated organizations will not be eligible for transfer. Exceptions to any study abroad policy must be granted in writing by the dean of global programs.