Students should check their academic status on MC Self-Service at the conclusion of each fall and spring semester. Those students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00 will receive a letter indicating their status at the conclusion of each semester.
The consequences for students whose cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) fall below 2.00 are as follows:
• If a student has attempted no more than 11 credits,
Below 2.00 = Academic Warning
• If a student has attempted between 12 and 23 credits,
Below 2.00 = Academic Warning
Below 1.60 = Academic Probation
Below 1.00 = Academic Restriction
• If a student has attempted between 24 and 39 credits,
Below 2.00 = Academic Warning
Below 1.80 = Academic Probation
Below 1.60 = Academic Suspension
• If a student has attempted 40 or more credits,
Below 2.00 = Academic Warning
Below 1.80 = Academic Suspension
• If a student has been readmitted following suspension or previous dismissal,
Below 2.00 = Dismissal for two years
Academic Dismissal will occur when a student, who has been readmitted following Academic Suspension or previous Academic Dismissal, fails to maintain an overall GPA of 2.00 in the coursework taken subsequent to readmission.
Students may attempt a course three times. Permission from the Academic Advising Center is required to enroll beyond three attempts.
In addition to the College-wide standards outlined above, individual programs may have stricter standards regarding continued enrollment in those programs (see program requirements).
See the Academic Statuses section of the Catalog for more information.