Sexual harassment in any form is against the law and will not be tolerated by Middlesex College. The College is committed to the belief that all individuals who work at or attend the College have the right to enjoy an environment that is free of inappropriate conduct and communciations based on the employee's or student's gender.
Middlesex College opposes sexual harassment in any form, by any employee, student, or representative of the College, regardless of whether the victim or actor is male or female. Such conduct will not be tolerated and this policy will be vigorously enforced. Violation of this policy is a serious matter and will be dealt with accordingly.
Therefore, it is the policy of the College to prohibit sexual harassment from occurring at the College or at any other location where a College-sponsored event takes place. The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate a strong commitment to maintaining a working and learning environment free of harassment.
Sexual harassment is prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, Section 703, and by the Educational Amendment of 1972, Title IX. Immediate and appropriate corrective action will be taken should any student, faculty member, staff, administrative employee or contract worker engage in behavior contrary to this policy or who engages in any form of retaliation against individuals who report unwelcome conduct or who cooperate in the investigation of such reports in accordance with this policy.
For more information, please see Sexual Harassment Policy.