Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) connecting Middlesex College students and faculty to online resources, collaboration tools, and course content for face-to-face, hybrid and fully online courses. For more information see the website at MC Canvas or contact IT Support for Canvas at 732-906-2616.
MC Self-Service (formerly WebAdvisor was used by the College) is the online portal available to all students, faculty and staff at Middlesex College. MC Self-Service allows students to access both general and personalized College-related services from the internet. Services are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day except during scheduled maintenance. Some of the features of MC Self-Service include: class schedules, grades, transcripts and financial aid information. Students may also register for classes and pay tuition bills online. Students must access their grades online through MC Self-Service. Grade reports are not mailed. Official transcripts may be ordered online through the National Student Clearinghouse eTranscript service - see https://www.middlesexcc.edu/registrar/transcripts/. See “Transcripts” under Academic Standards and Regulations. For more information, contact the Information Technology Help Desk at Help_Desk@middlesexcc.edu