Carpe Diem
To seize the day. To grasp the opportunity. To embrace the whole of life. Let these words be your inspiration for personal growth and professional development. Let them guide and fire your imperatives. Let them underline the vigor and enterprise necessary to achieve great victories. Capture the essence of living the full life. Engage the day. This is, indeed the moment. The opportunity may not come again. Besiege the occasion, wage war upon it. For it is the resolute of mind who receive the greatest achievement and the highest fulfillment and reward. Be vigilant and diligent. The genius of life and secret to success is to capture each precious opportunity. For to seize the moment personally is the essence of living a full life – the kind so many desire and so few know how to achieve.
“Let us take one day only in hands at a time.
Resolve to do good today and better tomorrow.”
~ Catherine McAuley
(Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy)