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Fundamentals of Professional Nursing Practice

Course Code:
Course Description:

This course provides students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for introductory professional nursing practice. Students develop competencies and skills basic to the role of the nurse in the contemporary healthcare environment. The care of the patient in multiple settings using evidence-based practice is stressed. Students are introduced to the concepts of safety, hygiene, therapeutic communication, clinical judgment, interprofessional collaboration, physical assessment, oxygenation, pain and comfort, elimination, fluid and electrolyte balance, documentation, reporting, pharmacology, and medication management. Faculty supervised learning laboratory and clinical practicum provide students with opportunities to develop professional competencies.

Instruction methods:
lab: 3 Hours, Lecture: 4 Hours, Field Experience Hours: 6 Hours

American Heart Associate Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification for the Healthcare Provider


BIO-111 and PSY-123

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions