Course Code:
EDUC 550
Course Group(s):
Course Description:

Utilizng relevant technology and teaching in a hybrid or online environment whil still using best teaching strategies and engaging students can be a challenging prospect, and it can be difficult to know how to approach it effectively for the benefit of both students and teacher. However, with proper background knowledge on course content, best technologies, and pedagogical
strategies, creating hybrid lessons is completely doable and can even be fun! No matter what type of technology you are interested in exploring or your level of experience, this course will help
teachers draw on their teaching strengths and find the approach that is right for them, their students, and their educational context. 

This six week course will develop pedagogical knowledge on teaching in the hybrid era and developing lessons that will support best teaching practices no matter online, hybrid, or in person. By the end of this course, students will have confidently developed their own hybrid unit plan complete with lessons, activities, and assessments that effectively integrate technology with research based teaching strategies.
