
Course Code:
SOC 305
Course Group(s):
COMM: Diversity Cluster, Degree Applicable, FSMT: Diversity Cluster, HRTM: Diversity Cluster, Integrative Studies: PSYCH Program Options, Liberal Arts and Science Elective, PACM: Human Dimension Cluster, RECR: Diversity Cluster, Social & Cultural Engagement - Integrated, SRMG: Diversity Cluster
Course Description:
Gerontology is the study of aging. This course will be an introduction to the social aspects of aging. Among the topics of interest are family relationships, health, economics, retirement, widowhood, public policy, social work, and planning for changing demographics and care of the elderly. This course will enable students to better communicate with the aging population and, therefore, anticipate their needs. Students whose career goals include working with people of various ages will benefit from this course which focuses on this growing segment of the population. (3 hours lecture). Completes General Education Requirements:SC-I, LAS
Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions