Modern American Literature

Course Code:
ENG 211
Course Group(s):
Degree Applicable, ENST: Environment & Human Expression Cluster, Liberal Arts and Science Elective, Responsibility & Expression - Reinforcing, Social & Cultural Engagement - Reinforcing, Written Communication - Reinforcing
Course Description:

This course forms the second half of a survey of the rich literary life of the United States from Reconstruction, westward expansion, and the era of industrial and urban development to more recent times, the Depression, World War II, the Cold War, and the Vietnam era. The fiction, poetry, and non-fiction prose of our many peoples will be examined as they comment on the nature of the American story. Selections from Native American, Hispanic, African-American, Jewish and other traditions will be read and discussed along with the works of such traditional figures as Mark Twain, Henry James, Ernest Hemingway, Robert Frost, and William Faulkner. Prerequisite: ENG 101 Effective College Writing I Completes General Education Requirements:RE-R, WC-R, SC-R, LAS


Prereq: ENG 101 Lecture Min Grade: D Min Credits: 3.00 Or ENG 101 Advanced Studies Min Grade: D Min Credits: 3.00 Or ENG 101 Lecture Min Grade: TR Min Credits: 3.00

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions