Introduction to Sustainability and Renewable Energy

Course Code:
SUS 201
Course Group(s):
Degree Applicable
Course Description:

This 200-level energy course is designed for students in the Clean Energy Certificate Program. This course will prepare students to advocate for the use of renewable energy and sustainability while gaining insight into the way energy sources are used, regulated, and financed. This course will provide students with an overview of the energy crisis facing the world and the social, environmental, and economic impact of our current energy system. Students will evaluate different renewable energy systems and explore the various options for financing projects from private and explore public funding sources from both state and federal resources. Energy policy is a complex topic, students will gain an introduction to energy policy on a state and federal level and examine how current polices support or hinder renewable and carbon neutral energy systems. 
Prerequisite: NRS 110 Intro to Environment & Society.

3 - 3
Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions