Community Organization & Outreach

Course Code:
SOC 315
Course Group(s):
Degree Applicable, ENST: Environment & Society Cluster, Integrative Studies: ENST Program Options, Integrative Studies: SCWL Program Options, NRCM: Negotiation/Planning Cluster, Responsibility & Expression - Integrated, SCM: Minor Electives, SOC Upper Division, Social & Cultural Engagement - Integrated
Course Description:
A community is a group of people who share a common place, experience, or interest. Often communities or groups of communities come together to form collaborative partnerships to address an issue, provide a service, or produce some kind of project. This course will provide students with both a conceptual framework and the practical skills for organizing effectively in and across communities. Different types of community organizations such as grassroots citizen action groups, non-profit social service agencies, issue coalitions, and government-sponsored councils will be explored. Concepts of organizing philosophy, advocacy strategies, decision making models, power-structures, institutional change, community control, diversity, and leadership will be considered. Prerequisite(s): PSY 110 Organizational Behavior and COM 201 Interpersonal Communication. Completes General Education Requirements:SC-I, RE-I.
Prereq: PSY 110 Lecture Min Grade: D Min Credits: 3.00 And COM 201 Lecture Min Grade: D Min Credits: 3.00
Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions