Yeast Doughs & Artisan Breads

Course Code:
BAK 131
Course Group(s):
Degree Applicable, Integrative Studies: BASM Program Options
Course Description:

Bread is an essential component of world food culture, so vital that religions and legends have emphasized its value, from antiquity to the French revolution. Its relevance persists in modern times. This course retraces the history of bread from ancient Egypt to modern times and travels through classical breads such as the Italian Ciabatta and the French Baguette. In this course students will be introduced to yeast fermentation, straight dough, sponge method, ten steps of bread baking, loaf shapes, proper scoring, lean dough and hearth bread, flat bread, soft crust bread, rich bread, pre-ferments and sourdough starters. Students will apply baking techniques and math acquired in the co-requisite baking essentials course. Students will practice classic and modern methods applied to bread making while being exposed to crucial principles of safe food handling and sanitation.

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions