Principles Of Marketing

Course Code:
MKT 200
Course Group(s):
Degree Applicable, HRTM: Customer Relations Cluster, Integrative Studies: BASM Select One Program Options, Integrative Studies: CASM Select One Program Options, Integrative Studies: EBSB Program Options, Integrative Studies: FSMT Program Options, Integrative Studies: HRTM Select One Program Options, Integrative Studies: MNGT Program Options, Responsibility & Expression - Reinforcing, SCWL: Sustainable Practitioner Cluster, Social & Cultural Engagement - Reinforcing, SUST: Sustainable Practitioner Cluster
Course Description:
Students are introduced to the functions of a marketing system to gain a better understanding of the consumer and industrial market place. Creating in design work that illustrates persuasion, emotional allurement, and ability to attract sales is taught. Different strategies necessary to market a product or service are discussed from scientific and practical viewpoints. Topics discussed include product planning and development, quality, pricing promotions, and channels of distribution. (3 hours lecture). Completes General Education Requirements:SC-R, RE-R.
Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions