BS Geology

Bachelor of Science

The Department of Geology offers courses leading to Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Geology. Students seeking a degree in Geology are required to take core Geology courses plus two additional electives. Students must also complete a senior capstone experience, which requires three courses. There are an additional 6 cognate courses in math, physics,,and chemistry. The required coursework in these subjects depends on whether a student pursues a B.A. or B.S. degree. Students who expect to attend graduate school after graduation are strongly encouraged to pursue the B.S. degree.

Geology Major Core Courses:

Two additional geology elective courses numbered 200 or above are required. It is strongly recommended that students interested in Geoarchaeology for graduate studies and/or a career, take both GEOL 215/216 and GEOL 430/431. Students considering graduate school are strongly recommended to pursue the B.S. degree.

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Geology Major Capstone Courses

Before registering for Capstone courses students must complete GEOL 100 and GEOL 102 and get permission of the instructor.


Geology Major Elective Courses:

Subject to department chair approval, one course numbered 200 or above in mathematics/computer systems or the natural sciences may count as one geology elective course. Students pursuing the Earth and Space Science concentration may count either SCI 118/119 Astronomy and Lab or GEOL 203/204 Voyages to the Terrestrial Planets and Lab as one of their two elective Geology courses.

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B.S. Cognate Courses:

One additional math course beyond MATH 118 and either PHYS 102/106 or an additional course in mathematics/computer systems or natural sciences are required. Subject to department chair approval. Students considering graduate school are strongly encouraged to take MATH 171 Calculus II.

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions