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Media Arts and Design - Professional Commercial Photography

Associate in Applied Science

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In this program, students have the opportunity to explore the media arts and design field by combining courses in, animation, digital commercial photography, and advertising/graphic design. In addition to coursework which is directly applicable to the evolving media arts and design field, students will take general education courses that prepare them for a competitive workforce. The program emphasizes hands-on experience in the laboratory or studio to develop both creative ability and the technical skills essential to media arts careers. This degree prepares students for a career in entry level positions in design and gaming/animation or as a photographer’s assistant in a variety of settings including advertising agencies, company advertising departments, publishing companies, photography studios, color reproduction laboratories, printing firms, or retail establishments. The faculty who teach major courses have professional experience in the media arts and design field.

Program Outcomes

Graduates of the Program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a strong foundation in the artistic commercial practice of photography.
  • Produce a portfolio of professional quality photographic work in print and electronic form.
  • Understand the historical significance of photography in relation to artistic movements, technological advances, cultural forces and identify important historical figures of the medium.
  • Identify and/or pursue careers in photography or transfer options to four-year institutions.
Contact the Department Chairperson

Recommended Course Sequence

Below are required courses and recommended course groupings and sequences for program completion.

Note: As not all courses are offered every semester, it is important to follow the recommended sequence below.

Semester I

Semester II



Semester III


Take one of the following business electives - BUS-101, BUS-240, ENG-240, MKT-143, MKT-203, SBM-110, SBM-120, SBM-130, SBM-210.


Offered in the Fall semester only.


Offered in the Fall semester only.


MAT-101 or higher level mathematics course OR any General Education 3-credit science course. Students who are planning to transfer to a four-year school should discuss their choices with an academic advisor.


Choose one course designated in the course descriptions as General Education Humanities (GE HUM).



Choose one course designated in the course descriptions as General Education Social Science (GE SS).

Semester IV


Take one of the following business electives - BUS-101, BUS-240, ENG-240, MKT-143, MKT-203, SBM-110, SBM-120, SBM-130, SBM-210.


Offered in the Spring semester only.


Offered in the Spring semester only.


MAD-107, MAD-108 and a minimum of 2 PCP courses. Corequisite(s): the remaining six credits of PCP courses.


Choose one course designated in the course descriptions as General Education Social Science (GE SS).

Total Credits 60

Contact Information

Visual, Performing and Media Arts

Contact Name: Annie Hogan, department chair
Contact Phone: 732.906.2589
Contact Email:  ahogan@middlesexcc.edu
Department Web:https://www.middlesexcc.edu/vpma/

Frequently Asked Questions

Can students transfer to a four-year college or university?

Students who earn the A.A.S. degree have the opportunity to transfer their coursework to a four-year institution. Students in specialized programs, or who earn an A.A.S. degree should discuss the transfer process with an advisor.

Why major in Media Arts & Design?

There is a growing need for web designers, graphic artists, advertising professionals, and photographers. Students who choose the A.A.S. degree in Media Arts and Design have the opportunity to explore a variety of directions as they gain skills. Students who select either Advertising/Graphic Design, Gaming and Animation or Professional Commercial Photography will focus more closely on one aspect of this growing field. In each case, students gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art equipment used by professional designers and photographers. Small class sizes allow students to work on individual as well as team projects, finding creative solutions to design problems, just as they would in the professional art and design fields. Students will develop their own e-portfolios of creative work which will assist them in securing employment, starting their own business, or continuing their education in the field.

Are there any requirements that must be satisfied before taking courses in the major?

Algebra I is a prerequisite for all majors. Algebra I competency may be verified with a passing score on the College’s placement test or completion of the appropriate course.

How long will it take to complete this degree?

Once students complete developmental coursework (if needed), the degree can be completed in two years of full-time study. They can shorten the amount of time by taking courses in the summer and winter sessions.

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions