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Culinary Arts Certificate


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In this program, students acquire the necessary practical and theoretical skills for employment in one of the nation’s fastest growing industries.  Graduates may be employed as an assistant restaurant manager, hotel/motel assistant manager, front office manager, dining room manager, cafeteria production manager in a variety of areas such as hotel, restaurants, resorts, cruise lines, catering centers, and health care facilities. Graduates are eligible for certification in several course areas by the American Hotel and Lodging Association and the National Restaurant Association.

Program Outcomes

Graduates of the Program will be able to:

  • Apply the necessary practical and theoretical skills to perform supervisory and training functions in the culinary industry.
  • Identify and discuss current trends in the culinary industry and apply to business operations.
  • Use current technologies for information as well as oral and written communication activities in the culinary industry.
  • Perform safety and sanitation activities as outlined by the National Restaurant Association ServSafe® Program.
  • Perform in a supervisory capacity and/or the position of a chef.
  • Demonstrate ethical and professional practices.
Contact the Department Chairperson

Recommended Course Sequence

Below are required courses and recommended course groupings and sequences for program completion.


Choose one course designated in the course descriptions as General Education Humanities (GE HUM), General Education Math, Science and Technology (GE MST), or General Education Social Science (GE SS).


Total Credits 35

Contact Information

Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Dietetics

Contact Name: Dr. Mary-Pat Maciolek, department chair
Contact Phone: 732.906.2538
Contact Email: MMaciolek@middlesexcc.edu 
Department Web: https://www.middlesexcc.edu/hospitality-culinary-arts-dietetics/

Frequently Asked Questions

Can students who major in Hospitality and Culinary Arts transfer to a four-year college?

Articulation agreements with public and private institutions offer students who earn the A.A.S. degree the opportunity to transfer most of their coursework to the four-year institution. Students in specialized programs, or who earn an A.A.S. degree should discuss the transfer process with an advisor. Many colleges and universities with hotel and restaurant management programs, including Fairleigh Dickinson University, NYU, Montclair State University, Stockton University and Widener University, The Culinary Institute of America, Johnson & Wales, as well as other schools, will apply the courses taken toward a bachelor’s degree.

What do students learn if they study Hospitality and Culinary Arts?

They receive training in restaurant and food service management, hospitality management or culinary arts. Those with limited related industry experience are encouraged to enroll in a cooperative work experience seminar that includes paid employment in the final semester. In culinary arts additional training is provided in a culinary externship.

Are there any requirements that must be satisfied before taking courses in the major?

Algebra I is a prerequisite for all majors. Algebra I competency may be verified with a passing score on the College’s placement test or by completion of the appropriate course.

How long will it take to complete these programs?

Once students complete developmental coursework (if needed), the degree can be completed in two years of full-time study. They can shorten the amount of time by taking courses in the summer and winter sessions. Certificates may be completed in approximately 14 months and the certificate of achievement in approximately 2 semesters.

Can students who take the Culinary Certificate Program also work toward the A.A.S. degree in Culinary Arts or Hospitality Management?

Yes. All of the culinary courses in the certificate program may be applied to meet the requirements for the A.A.S. degree in the Culinary Arts degree or the Hospitality Management degree.

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions