The College Assembly is the College-wide body of students, faculty, staff and administrators charged to make recommendations to the President regarding academic, student and other College affairs. Students, chairs/directors and faculty members of the assembly are nominated and elected through the division councils and appointed by the Chair of the College Assembly.
Task Forces are committees of the College Assembly established to address specific issues. The standing task forces of the College Assembly include: Academic Standards, Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, Bylaws, Campus Diversity, Campus Life and Community Concerns, Curriculum, and Educational Resources.
Students interested in participating in any of these task forces or other organizations should contact the chair of their division council or their division dean. Student elections for these governance positions are held annually in February by the respective divisions. Students interested in participating in the College Assembly should contact the Assembly Chair (through the College Assembly Office, Raritan Hall Room 122, 732.906.4239, or extension 4239 from a campus phone), the chair of his or her division council or the division dean. The College Assembly meets on the first Thursday in October, November, December, February, March, April, and May.