New Jersey Tuition Aid Grant (TAG)
The Tuition Aid Grant (TAG) is available for full and part-time undergraduate students who have been legal residents of New Jersey for at least 12 consecutive months prior to enrolling in a New Jersey institution. Students who have received an associates/baccalaureate degree and beyond do not qualify for any state aid at a two-year college. Awards vary from year to year.
The New Jersey Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA) uses a State Formula to determine eligibility.
For more information on State requirements, see http://www.hesaa.org/Pages/NJGrantsHome.aspx
Educational Opportunity Fund Program
The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund provides financial assistance and support services (e.g. counseling, tutoring, and developmental course work) to students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds who attend institutions of higher education in the State of New Jersey. These grants are renewable based upon continued eligibility.
The New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS) Program is an initiative created by the State of New Jersey that provides New Jersey’s highest achieving students with free tuition at their home county college. The NJ STARS award covers the cost of tuition, less any State and/or Federal grants and scholarships, for up to five semesters. Students can complete their freshman and sophomore years of college with no tuition costs, and after graduating, transfer to a bachelor’s degree program for the final two years. If they qualify, they may receive a NJ STARS II scholarship for use at a four-year public college or university in New Jersey participating in the NJ STARS II Program. Call the NJ STARS office at 732-548-6000 extension 3517 for further details.
For further State information on the NJ STARS visit the link below.
For further information refer to NJ STARS Middlesex County College’s NJ STARS webpage at