The Federal Government mandates that students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress toward the completion of their degrees within a reasonable period of time in order to be eligible for financial aid programs.
Monitoring Satisfactory Progress
Satisfactory Academic Progress will be monitored every semester.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Is Defined As
*Cumulative GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total credit hours attempted for which the student received grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F, I, QA, QA-, QB+,QB, QB-, QC+, QC, QC-, QD, and QI.
**Credit hours attempted will be cumulative and will include all hours for which the student was enrolled as of the census date of each academic term, or for which the student received a final grade. The census date is set by the College and marks the last date of the add/drop period of a semester. Credit hours completed with grades of A, B, C, D, E, QA, QB, QC, QD, or T will be considered credit hours completed. Grades of F, QF, QI, I, W, QW and WF will be considered credit hours attempted but not completed. A student's completion rate is calculated by dividing the number of credit hours completed by the number of credit hours attempted. Transfer credits should count as both attempted and completed credits.
***For each program of study, a maximum timeframe will be calculated by taking the total credit hours required for the program as outlined in the College catalog and multiplying the total by 150%. Timeframes will vary from program to program.
Key points to remember regarding maximum timeframe
Remedial Courses
Remedial credits do count for the calculation of Satisfactory Academic Progress and are included in the metrics for the calculation of cumulative GPA, Completion rate and Maximum Time Frame. Note: Financial Aid will not be awarded for a maximum of 30 remedial credits as mandated by Federal Regulation.
ESL Courses
ESL courses do count for the calculation of Satisfactory Academic Progress and is included in the metrics for the calculation of cumulative GPA, Completion rate and Maximum Time Frame.
Repeated Courses
All Repeated courses will be counted in the total number of attempted credits for SAP calculation. A student who passes a course (with a letter grade of D or higher), may retake the class one additional time and receive financial aid for that course. Students repeating coursework because he/she received a grade of QF, F, WF, or W, may repeat the course and remain eligible for financial aid if Satisfactory Academic Progress is maintained.
Transfer Credits and Credits by Exam (E)
Transfer credits and Credits by Exam accepted by Middlesex County College will be included in the overall computation of attempted and completed credits, but will not be included in the GPA calculation. All attempted credits will be used in the calculation of Maximum Time Frame and Completion rate.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Review
Review of a student’s SAP is evaluated at the end of each academic term (fall, spring and summer). The review process will assign a SAP status for each student of:
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Process
Students who are not meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy may appeal for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility. All appeals will be reviewed and approved or denied by the Financial Aid Ad Hoc Appeals Committee. An appeal can only be submitted if a student’s failure to make Satisfactory Academic Progress is based upon events beyond their control. Applicable circumstances would include medical issues, death/illnesses, and any other uncontrollable events. Students will need to submit the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form, their program evaluation, and all required documentation to the Financial Aid Office. Incomplete appeals (those with no explanation of the extenuating circumstances and the required supporting documentation) will be automatically denied. Students will be notified by email of the committee’s decision within 30 days.
Students with an approved appeal will be placed on Academic Plan status. Students who have appeals denied will be permitted to appeal the decision of the committee to the Director of Financial Aid. The Director of Financial Aid will review the student’s second appeal, and this decision is final.
Regaining financial aid eligibility after an appeal is denied and/or academic progress is unsatisfactory
If a satisfactory academic progress appeal is denied and/or the academic progress is unsatisfactory at the end of the previous term, the student may submit another appeal in future semesters, if 6 credits are completed with:
It is important for students to remember that Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (PLEU) cannot be waived through the submission of an appeal. For further information on PLEU, visit FA Glossary for Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (PLEU).