Service learning at Middlesex County College (MCC) strives to provide enriching opportunities for MCC students by providing them with civic engagement opportunities that are tied directly back to students’ coursework. Service learning is an experiential teaching method used to link course content to real-life experiences that focus on a community need or social justice issue. Students taking service learning courses are required to complete a designated amount of volunteer service hours (typically 10-20 hours) per semester with a local, not-for-profit community partner. Students integrate their service experiences with their coursework through ongoing reflection and class assignments. Students who engage in service learning have been shown to feel more engaged with the college community, have a better understanding of the course content, and a deeper understanding of the social issues faced by the local community. Service learning courses are currently available through the History and Social Sciences, English, and Mathematics Departments. The college is expanding course offerings into new departments each semester, therefore service learning course offerings vary from semester to semester.
For more information on service learning at Middlesex County College or available service learning courses, please call Arianna Illa at (732) 548-6000 ext. 3486.