Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) connecting MCC students and faculty to online resources, collaboration tools, and course content for face-to-face, hybrid and fully online courses. For more information see the website at MCC Canvas or contact IT Support for Canvas at 732-906-2616.
WebAdvisor is the online portal available to all students, faculty and staff at Middlesex County College. WebAdvisor allows students to access both general and personalized College-related services from the internet. Services are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day except during scheduled maintenance. Some of the features of WebAdvisor include: weather-related closings, the emergency notification system, schedules, grades, transcripts and financial aid information. Students may also register for classes and pay tuition bills online. Students must access their grades online through WebAdvisor. Grade reports are not mailed. Official transcripts may be ordered online through /WebAdvisor or at Enrollment Services. See “Transcripts” under Academic Standards and Regulations. For more information, see WebAdvisor or contact the Information Technology Help Desk at Help_Desk@middlesexcc.edu