Through grants provided by the Middlesex County Workforce Development Board, Middlesex County College assists clients receiving public assistance with life and academic skills necessary to support them in becoming financially independent. The Community Work Experience Program (CWEP) provides actual work experience through a variety of contracted worksites in the community. The Job Readiness Program provides work readiness and soft skills related to employment, accelerated job search skills, interview skills and the review of résumés. Contact Information - 161 New Brunswick Avenue, 3rd Floor, Perth Amboy, New Jersey 08861-4183 - 732.826.2462.
If you are unemployed or underemployed, you may find assistance at your local One-Stop Career Center office. To locate a NJ One-Stop Career Center, visit http://careerconnections.nj.gov/careerconnections/plan/support/njccsites/one_stop_career_centers.shtml
New Jersey's One-Stop Career Centers provide a multitude of services such as:
The NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJ LWD) Career Connections website provides information and resources to help you plan and prepare for career success. Go to http://careerconnections.nj.gov/careerconnections/plan/support/njccsites/one_stop_career_centers.shtml
Get personalized resources and support for your unique life situation. NJ Career Connections offers a wide variety of services including: Vocational Rehabilitation Services; Veteran Services, Mature Worker (55+) Services, Youth Services, Displaced Homemaker Services, and Ex-offender Services.