The Office of K-12 Partnerships is the College’s liaison to the K-12 school districts. Middlesex County College provides academic and career development programs for students and professional development workshops for teachers. For middle and high school students, the Office of K-12 Partnerships offers academic enrichment and career exploration programs such as High School Scholars, Algebra Summer Institute, and Biotechnology Summer Institute.
For teachers, professional development opportunities include customized workshops to meet the needs of local schools and increase content knowledge, as well as summer institutes for Advanced Placement teachers.
For information on any of the programs listed, please call 732.906.2554 or email schoolrelations@middlesexcc.edu.
High school students, age 15 or older in their sophomore year at the time of registration, may take college courses for credit if they have completed the prerequisites the course(s) require. To register for a course, all students must complete the High School Scholars application (available online to download), have the recommendation of their school guidance counselor, and parent/guardianl permission.
Students may attend classes on the Middlesex County College campus or at the New Brunswick and Perth Amboy Centers. High schools may partner with Middlesex County College to provide dual enrollment courses during the regular school day. Where there is sufficient interest, courses may be offered on the school premises after regular school hours.
For on-campus courses, students pay full tuition and fees. For courses taken in-district during the regular school day, students pay $200 per course. For more information, call 732.906.2554 or email schoolrelations@middlesexcc.edu.