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Standards of Progress

Standards of Progress

Students should check their academic status on CampusCruiser/ WebAdvisor at the conclusion of each semester. Those students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00 will receive a letter indicating their status at the conclusion of each semester.

Credit Courses

The consequences for students whose cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) fall below 2.00 are as follows:
If a student has attempted no more than 11 credits,
Below 2.00 = Academic Warning
If a student has attempted between 12 and 23 credits,
Below 2.00 = Academic Warning
Below 1.60 = Academic Probation
Below 1.00 = Academic Restriction
If a student has attempted between 24 and 39 credits,
Below 2.00 = Academic Warning
Below 1.80 = Academic Probation
Below 1.60 = Academic Suspension
If a student has attempted 40 or more credits,
Below 2.00 = Academic Warning
Below 1.80 = Academic Suspension
If a student has been readmitted following suspension or previous dismissal,
Below 2.00 = Dismissal for two years


Note: A student who is on academic probation or restriction status cannot be downgraded to academic suspension or dismissal in any subsequent semester for which the term grade point average (GPA) is at or above 2.0.


Developmental Education Courses

  • A student whose schedule includes developmental courses is expected to earn at least a 2.0 semester average, and a “C” or better in all developmental courses. Failure to do so will result in Academic Probation. Failure to earn at least a 1.00 semester average will result in Academic Restriction.
  • A student on Academic Restriction or Academic Probation who, in a subsequent semester while still enrolled in developmental courses, fails to earn a 2.00 semester average in all courses will be placed on Academic Suspension.
  • A student who is on academic probation or restriction status cannot be downgraded to academic suspension or dismissal in any subsequent semester for which the term grade point average (GPA) is at or above 2.0. However, if a student is taking a developmental course in that semester, the student needs to achieve a grade of “C” or better in that semester for this allowance to apply.


Basis for Academic Dismissal

Academic Dismissal will occur when a student, who has been readmitted following Academic Suspension or previous Academic Dismissal, fails to maintain an overall GPA of 2.00 in the coursework taken subsequent to readmission.


Course Repeat Limitation and Academic Status

Students may attempt a course three times. Permission from the Academic Advising Center is required to enroll beyond three attempts.


Curriculum Suspension and Dismissal

In addition to the College-wide standards outlined above, individual programs may have stricter standards regarding continued enrollment in those programs (see program requirements).

Degrees & Certificates
Course Descriptions